Platinums resistance to both corrosion and very high heat make it ideal for a huge range of industrial sensors from thermocouples in furnaces to exhaust-gas control systems and carbon monoxide detectors in homes and offices as well as high-spec labroratory equipment. Platinum catalysts are also used in the manufacture of aeroplane seals and gaskets.
What Is Platinum Used For Platinum Uses
This chemical element serves as an important ingredient in the making of silicone.

Platinum industrial uses. Due to its catalytic properties platinum has been used in the commercial production of nitric acid - a key component of fertiliser - since the early 20th century. Platinum tools are used both to channel the liquid and to create the hair-like strands making fibreglass now used for everything from printed circuit boards to kayaks home insulation to water-pipes in sewerage systems. Other automotive applications for platinum include oxygen sensors and spark plugs.
Indeed one of the most prominent uses of PGMs is as automotive emission control catalysts these catalyse nitrogen oxide NOx to nitrogen and oxidise carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. The list is long when it comes to platinums applications in various industries. Platinum is used in the chemicals industry as a catalyst for the production of nitric acid silicone and benzene.
Aluminium Fluoride Uses Platinum in industrial and medical applications. In the aviation industry the precious metal is used in turbine engines. Platinum is used in fertilizers and explosives as a gauze for the catalytic conversion of ammonia to nitric acid.
Platinum as catalysts is well-known in industrial applications. Other industrial uses. Industrial Platinums industrial applications could fill a book all on their own.
In the fuel sector it is important as a petrol additive to enhance combustion and reduce engine emissions. It is also used in the fabrication of silicones for the aerospace automotive and construction sector. In the electrical and electronic industries the uses of the platinum metals in many different forms are numerous and changing as the industries seek greater reliability and cost effectiveness as well as new products.
Applications are shown in Table 3-2 and described below. Around 90 of nitrogen manufactured using platinum goes towards producing the c190m tonnes of fertiliser nutrients used each year. In agriculture platinum catalysts are used to make nitric acid an essential ingredient for fertiliser.
It is also used as a catalyst to improve the efficiency of fuel cells. Johnson Matthey has estimated demand for platinum palladium and rhodium in 2015 at 1898 million troy oz. Recent Uses of Platinum Although some industrial applications for platinum eg spark plug coatings were in use by the mid-20th century most of the current electronic medical and automotive applications have only been developed since 1974 when air.
63 of this was for automobile catalytic converters 22 for industrial and medical applications and 15 for jewellery and watches. APPLICATIONS OF PGMS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. Fertilizer manufacturing companies use platinum catalysts in their products as a nutrient.
For instance platinum catalysts are used to manufacture fertilizer ingredients and.